Creative Employee Benefits for Schools

April 11th, 2022
  1. Quality Insurance Options
    We are not tied to one insurance carrier. This allows us to be competitive for our schools in the marketplace. We are able to negotiate with the most desired carriers in the state. Often, we can produce quotes on products like dental and vision insurance WITH NO INFORMATION.
  2. Quality Service
    When your staff needs help with adds, terms, or a simple question, they call our office located right here in Mississippi. We say y’all and will answer your call. We are our client’s point of contact as opposed to a 1-800 number. Most issues can be solved in 10 minutes or less.
  3. Quality Administration
    If you are interested in Section 125 administration or an easy employee platform, we have the tools for you. We are very competitive with our Administration services and are ready to serve you.

Are you interested in learning more? Schedule a meeting!

Are you wanting a couple of dental and vision quotes to compare to your current plan? Simply send us an email and we will get it back to you.


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    Creative Group Benefits

    210 Draperton Grove, Suite B Ridgeland, MS 39157
    800.818.0312   /    P. 601.914.2121   /    F. 601.914.1661