Employer Resources

March 30th, 2020

At CGB, we want to treat you like family. For us, family is sharing our most valuable resources willingly and easily accessible. This blog is dedicated to give you access to our secret sauce of what separates us from your competitors. If you have any questions on how to use anything you see on this page, please let us know.

Upcoming Webinars


ThinkHR/True Resource Center – HR guidance and Procedures

Maynard Cooper and Gale Attorneys Resource Center – up to date compliance

CIAB Counsel Resource Center

Zywave Resource Center

Compliance Dashboard Resource Center


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    Creative Group Benefits

    210 Draperton Grove, Suite B Ridgeland, MS 39157
    800.818.0312   /    P. 601.914.2121   /    F. 601.914.1661